Building Regulatory Capability to Achieve Excellence learning and development, learning design, regulatory capabilityJane Hudson17 January 2023Comment
There's nothing quite like a good adult learning theory! learning and developmentJane Hudson11 April 2022#learningdesign #instructionaldesign #learningexepriencedesign #learnercentreddesign #coursedesign #learninganddevelopment #brainfriendlylearningComment
Podcast, The long and winding road back to self-employment self employment, women in businessJane Hudson28 February 2022#selfemployment, #womeninbusiness, #continuouslearningComment
Using behavioural science to improve learning and performance Jane Hudson6 January 2022#learningdesign #learninganddevelopment #behaviouralscience #humanbehaviour #whogetsmeComment
Ten ways neuroscience helped me design better learning experiences learning design, instructional design, course designJane Hudson11 November 2021#learningdesign #instructionaldesign #learningexepriencedesign #learnercentreddesign #coursedesign #learninganddevelopment #brainfriendlylearningComment
What does a learning designer do? learning design, course design, instructional designJane Hudson24 September 2021#learningdesign #instructionaldesign #learningexepriencedesign #learnercentreddesign #coursedesign #thoughtleadersComment
Needs Assessment: what learning and development do you need? learning designJane Hudson24 August 2021#learningdesign #learninganddevelopment #needsassessment #needsanalysisComment
JBass Learning Turns Two! learning designJane Hudson2 August 2021#learningdesign, #selfemployment, #womeninbusiness, #flyingsoloComment
Design people managers into your organisational learning team learning, learning designJane Hudson25 July 2021#continuous learning #leadership #reinforcement #sustainability #learningleaders #learningdesignComment
Using role play actors in regulatory learning and development regulatory capabilityJane Hudson6 July 2021
Regulatory capability, when learning on the job isn't enough regulatory capabilityJane Hudson5 July 2021
7 ways to improve teamwork and collaboration through informal learning regulatory capabilityJane Hudson5 July 2021