Helping people work, learn and perform better together.
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PRISM Brain Mapping™ is a powerful, neuroscience-based behaviour profiling tool that identifies people's behavioural preferences as they relate to personal relationships and work performance.

  • Understand behavioural preferences.

  • Create positive relationships.

  • Build individual and team potential.

  • Be more responsive and adaptable.

PRISM provides a powerful, graphical explanation of our preferred behaviours and a reason why we approach situations and individuals in different ways. With this information, people can interact better with others, find more meaningful work, and achieve more of their life’s goals.

Rather than psychological theory, PRISM’s approach to human behaviour is based on cognitive neuroscience and the fact that all of our behaviour is created in the brain. The brain's main role is to ensure the species' survival by protecting us from threats to our wellbeing and looking for rewards ('reward' can mean a range of benefits such as food and shelter or social interaction with others). Our behaviour is generated by the way our brain responds to our external and internal world.


When people do work that matches their behavioural preferences, they are more productive, happier in their jobs, and they stay longer.
— Dr Colin Wallace, PRISM Brain Mapping.


The PRISM Map and Reports

The PRISM profile or ‘map', based on eight key behaviour characteristics., is at the heart of PRISM.

There are three distinct behaviour maps that PRISM can generate:

  1. Underlying map: how you naturally prefer to behave.

  2. Adapted map: shows the extent to which you feel it's necessary to modify behaviours on occasions to achieve critical objectives.

  3. Consistent map: the overall pattern of behaviour used most of the time.

Each map is a unique picture of the user as a unique individual.


PRISM offers three levels of reporting

PRISM Foundation

The 'entry level' version of PRISM Brain Mapping.

PRISM Foundation can be used to match a candidate's profile with a job benchmark and provide additional output on benchmark best fit. It is ideal for high-volume use. PRISM Foundation does not require feedback from a Certified PRISM Practitioner and can be upgraded to one of the more comprehensive versions of PRISM.

Includes an 8-dimensional map (underlying, benchmark) | Introversion/Extroversion | Dimension key points | Profile Narrative – Summary | Benchmark/Candidate comparison | Work Preference Profile | Work Aptitude Overview | Work Environment – Performance Predictions | Quadrant Colour Characteristics | Career development analysis.

Click to download a Sample PRISM Foundation Report.

PRISM Personal

The ‘second level’ version of PRISM Brain Mapping.

PRISM Personal shows the candidate's Underlying or natural behavioural preferences and how they adapt their behaviour to suit the perceived demands of their day-to-day role. It can be used to match a candidate's profile with a role benchmark and provide additional output on benchmark best fit, and to create a team profile. PRISM Personal requires feedback from a Certified PRISM Practitioner and can be upgraded to the 'Professional' version.

Includes an 8-dimensional map (underlying/adapted/consistent/benchmark) | Introversion/Extroversion | Dimension key points | Profile narrative – Full | Benchmark/Candidate Comparison | Work Preference Profile | Work Aptitude Overview | Work Environment - Performance Predictions | Quadrant Colour Characteristics | Career Development Analysis.

Click to download a Sample PRISM Personal Report.

PRISM Professional

The 'top level' version of PRISM Brain Mapping.

PRISM Professional provides users with the most comprehensive insights into a person's behavioural and work preferences.

It can be used to match a candidate's profile with a role benchmark and provide additional output on benchmark best fit, create a team profile, and can manage a full 360° feedback process including in-house or generic competencies. PRISM Professional requires feedback from a Certified PRISM Practitioner.

Includes an 8-dimensional map (underlying/adapted/consistent/benchmark) | Introversion/Extroversion | Dimension key points | Profile narrative – Full | Benchmark/Candidate Comparison | Work Preference Profile | Work Aptitude Overview | Work Environment - Performance Predictions | Quadrant Colour Characteristics | Career development Analysis | Emotional Intelligence Report | ‘Big Five’ Report | Mental Toughness Report.

Click to download a Sample PRISM Professional Report.


Jane made me immediately feel at ease and comfortable to talk about career and life planning, which speaks volumes about her supportive and generous energy. I learned so much from the feedback session and it was an eye-opener talking to an expert about recent discoveries that have been made in neuroscience and psychology. It has re-framed my perspective. Highly recommend booking a session with Jane for anyone who is looking for assurance and clarity about choosing their next career move that aligns with their strengths.
— Rosie Pham


PRISM is a versatile tool

Companies and organisations can use PRISM for a range of purposes.



Effective recruitment and identifying the most suitable person for a role is a critical first step in establishing and maintaining capability:

  • Create an accurate role benchmark of the characteristics that have a proven track record of achieving top performance in the role.

  • Match a candidate's work aptitudes, behavioural and work environment preferences with those deemed essential for the job.


Role benchmarks

Create a PRISM Role Benchmark to help you identify the people who have the high-performance potential for specific roles in your organisation:

  • Clearly define the characteristics that have a proven track record of achieving top performance in a role.

  • Use objective criteria to help determine which person would be the best fit - their behavioural strengths, work aptitude and work environment preferences.

Note: PRISM Role Benchmarking is not designed to identify or measure a candidates’ eligibility (skills, knowledge or experience) for the role.


Professional development

Help set your employees up for success:

  • Identify their behavioural strengths, work aptitude and work environment preferences.

  • Provide a context for regular feedback discussions to enhance mutual understanding of an individual's contribution and development needs.

  • Support people to develop their capability, nurture their strengths and achieve their goals.


Team Development

Successful teams are built on trust and clear communication and enable everyone to contribute to their highest potential.

Create a team map to see your teams' behavioural preferences and development opportunities:

  • Achieve a high performing team mind and behavioural set.

  • Foster a cohesive, focused and highly productive team in a volatile and ever-changing environment.


Leadership development

Professional and courageous leadership is an important attribute of a healthy and vibrant company or organisation. 

Help your leaders to enhance their performance:

  • Understand behaviours, motivations and individual beliefs.

  • Manage emotions, feelings and behaviours.

  • Be more responsive, more adaptable and more innovative.

  • Motivate each team member to reach their potential.